CB 2016-2020 
Human Pursuit of Happiness in the World of Goods
Jill Avery Harvard Business School
Robert Kozinets Marshall School of Business, USC
Banwari Mittal N. Kentucky Univ.
Priya Raghubir New York Univ.
Arch Woodside Boston College
ISBN: 978-0-979-1336-7-1
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CB 2016-2020 
Human Pursuit of Happiness in the World of Goods
Coauthors: Jill Avery Harvard Business School
Robert Kozinets Marshall School of Business, USC
Priya Raghubir New York Univ.
Arch Woodside Boston College
ISBN: 978-0-979-1336-6-4
Purchase (using PayPal)
Important: By proceeding to purchase the book you expressly agree that you have read and agreed to our
Terms of Sale
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